Cashew butter is growing in popularity and many people want to know if they can share their cashew butter with their fury friend. Can dogs eat cashew butter? We all know nuts are a healthy and nutritious snack for us humans, but can dogs have cashew butter?

As dog owners, we always want to ensure that what we are feeding our pets is going to keep them healthy, safe and satisfied. There are a number of unsafe foods for our dogs to consume, potentially affecting their health in a serious way.

Cashews are not on this list. However walnuts, macadamias, pistachios and pecans are, so always ensure you keep them out of your dogs reach.

Can Dogs Eat Cashew Butter

Although cashews are not on the list of unsafe food items for dogs, cashew butter is not particularly the most healthy option for your dog. That doesn’t mean you can’t share a small amount of cashew butter with your dog here and there. It just means you should ensure you aren’t feeding it to them on the daily.

Cashew butter can be a satisfying and tasty treat for your dog and that is how you should look at cashew butter. Treat it as you would any other fatty doggy treats.

In this guide I’ll run you through all you need to know about cashew butter and will answer in detail is cashew butter ok for dogs.

What Is Cashew Butter?

Cashew butter is a yummy and versatile food spread made from cashew nuts. Cashews are blended ‘raw’ or roasted and ground to a creamy, smooth paste. Flavors are sometimes then added such as salt, sugar, etc. Cashew butter can also be found in multiple flavors like chocolate and caramel.

When the cashews have been ground into delicious cashew butter, it is then stored in an airtight jar. The solids and oils of the cashew butter will naturally seperate and can be fixed with a stir.

If you are interested in making your own cashew butter at home, it is very simple. All you will need is a good blender and cashews. Throw the cashews in the blender and blend until smooth. Making cashew butter at home is a great way to control what is added to your cashew butter.

Cashew butter is a versatile ingredient that can be used in multiple ways. It is also super nutrient dense, full of unsaturated fatty acids, protein, magnesium, iron and more.

Click here to buy cashew butter now.

Can Dogs Eat Cashew Butter?

The simple answer is yes, dogs can eat cashew butter. Much like peanut butter, cashew butter can be used as a training tool as dogs just love the taste of it.

If you are purchasing store bought cashew butter, be sure to read the ingredients label for additives such as xylitol, a harmful sweetener for dogs. Also look out for chocolate. It is best to go with the purest cashew butter you can find or even better, make it at home.

But how much cashew butter is an appropriate amount and how much is too much? And what are the risks of cashew butter for dogs? Keep reading below to find out.

dogs and cashew butter

How Much Cashew Butter Can Dogs Eat?

Cashew butter is very high in fat and very calorie dense. If you want to share your cashew butter with your dog, ensure you are only giving an appropriate amount for their size.

It is recommended that small dogs should not eat more than one small teaspoon of cashew butter in a day and it is recommended medium to large dogs eat no more than 2 teaspoons in a day.

Risks Of Cashew Butter For Dogs

Cashew butter isn’t the healthiest treat you can share with you dog. It is no doubt he will love the taste though. There are a few risks associated with feeding cashew butter to your dog. I’ve listed some of these below.

High Fat Content

Cashews naturally contain a high amount of fat. In small amounts, it is not harmful. However if given often and in excess, it can cause harm to your dog. Too much cashew butter can cause diarrhea and and a cramping stomach.

If you are planning on giving your pooch a nut butter for training it may be a good idea to look at other training food options as well to ensure you aren’t feeding him cashew butter daily.

Salt And Sugar Content

Salt and sugar can be found in quite high amounts in nut butters so ensure if you are purchasing a jar of cashew butter that the sugar and salt content is low. Alternatively make it yourself.

Salt and sugar are not toxic to dogs. However eating too much either of these can cause complications such as gas, constipation, diarrhea and stomach cramping. Over consumption of salt in dogs can cause serious issues such as seizures, tremors and muscle incoordination. However this is unlikely to occur from consuming salt in cashew butter.


There are a number of additives to look out for when purchasing cashew butter from the store. There are several additives that are sometimes used in nut butters that can cause tummy upset in your dog and some that are toxic to dogs. An example of some of these are xylitol, chocolate, other types of nuts like macadamia, walnut, etc.

Xylitol is an artificial sweetener and can cause symptoms in dogs such as vomiting, decreased activity, staggering and more. Chocolate consumption in dogs can cause symptoms such as panting, vomiting and more.

What Other Nut Butters Can Dogs Eat?

Peanut Butter

Peanut butter has been used as a dog training treat for as long as peanut butter has been around.

Dogs love peanut butter and it can be a tasty and nutritious snack in small amounts. There is a specific brand of peanut butter made for dogs called “Barking butter”, you can of course share your peanut butter with your fury friend, just ensure the additives are safe and the sugar and salt content low.

Almond Butter

Almond butter is another safe nut butter for your dog to consume.

It contains high amounts of vitamin E which is good for your dog. However much like cashew butter, almond butter has a very high fat content and it is best to give your dog a small amount.

Some dogs can have a reaction to almonds, resulting in an upset stomach. Ensure if you want to give your dog almond butter it is only a small amount, and only if their tummies can tolerate it.

Chia Seed, Pumpkin Seed or Sunflower seed butters

Chia, Pumpkin and sunflower seed nut butters are another safe nut butter option for your dog.

These seed butters can actually help decrease inflammation in dogs and humans. They can be a ‘healthier’ option for your dog than other nut butters.

Hazelnut Butter

Hazelnut butter is another nut butter that can be enjoyed in small amounts by your dog. Ensure there are no chocolate additives as this is a common additive in hazelnut butter!


Cashew butter can be a tasty treat for your dog. It is not toxic to your dog however it can give him/her an upset stomach if too much is consumed.

Remember to stick to a small amount of cashew butter as a treat for your dog and don’t overdo it. Cashew butter can be a great tool to start training with your dog.

If your dog appears to react with an upset stomach to cashew nut butter, it is best not to give it to him/her again. There are a range of other nut butters you can try with sunflower seed butter said to be the best for dogs with allergies.

I hope you have found this article informative and have enjoyed the read, I hope you feel more comfortable in your decision to use cashew butter for your fury friend.

Learn more about how long cashew butter lasts here and how it compares to almond butter here. Find all our guides to cashew-based products here. You can also read about whether castor oil is safe for your dog here.


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