You must be wondering how to make your own peanut flour. That’s why you’ve clicked on this page!
In this guide, we’ll break down several things, including what peanut flour is, the difference between peanut flour and peanut powder, how to make peanut flour and how to make peanut powder.
By the end of your reading, you’ll know exactly what these two ingredients are and better yet, how to make them at home!
So, if you’re ready to have your own homemade peanut flour, let’s start.

What Is Peanut Flour?

Peanut flour is a popular cooking ingredient that has an assortment of different uses, and it’s only made up of one thing, peanuts. Once peanuts are roasted, they’re ground into a paste-like substance. Then, it’s pressed to remove all of the peanut oil.
Once that’s done, you have peanut flour! It’s a fantastic alternative to use instead of wheat flour as it boasts high protein, as well as being gluten-free and low on fat. It’s used to make delicious goods like bread and cookies, and peanut flour is a great thing to consider if you suffer from celiac disease, or you’re on a gluten-free diet.
And it’s not only used for baking! Peanut flour is a great additive to sauces, smoothies and soups. If you add a bit of water to peanut flour, you can use it as a paste to smear on food, acting almost like peanut butter.
Peanut flour tastes exactly how you think it would, like roasted peanuts. It provides a massive dose of protein as well, which is a great way to help get your daily intake.
Now, of course, if you have a peanut allergy, you should stay away from peanut flour.
Click here to buy peanut flour now.
Peanut Flour vs Peanut Powder
Peanut flour and peanut powder are similar but they are not the same.
Both are made from ground peanuts. However, peanut flour has had the oil removed from the peanuts whereas in peanut powder, the whole peanut is ground.
Peanut powder also may have other additives such as salt and/or sugar or other things. It’s important to check the ingredients when buying peanut powder so you know exactly what you are getting.
Click here to read our full peanut flour vs peanut powder comparison.

How To Make Peanut Flour
This is likely why you clicked on this blog. You want to know how to make defatted peanut flour!
To make your own, you’ll need a blender and one cup of peanuts, either roasted or unroasted. They should also be unsalted. Once you’ve assembled these three things, you can get started! Here’s what to do:
1. Roast your peanuts: If you’ve picked up unroasted peanuts, you’ll need to roast them. You can do that by either using a stovetop or oven.
If you’re working on the stove, grab a wok or skillet and roast one cup of peanuts over medium heat until they’re slightly golden. You should also smell a tasty aroma.
If you want to use the oven method, then heat your oven to 350 degrees Fahrenheit and place your peanuts in it for 15 minutes, flipping them once or twice.
If you purchased roasted peanuts, you can skip this first step.
2. Cool the peanuts: Once you’ve roasted your peanuts, you’ll need to allow them time to cool off. So take them off or out of the heat source and lay the peanuts out so they have space to cool adequately.
If you purchased roasted peanuts, you won’t have to follow this second step.
3. Blend cooled-off peanuts: Once they’re cooled, it’s time to place your cup of peanuts into a blender. Locate your blender’s “pulse” option, press it for five seconds and then release the button to turn the blender off. Take a rubber spoon to release the peanuts off the bottom and sides. Then, pulse again for five seconds.
That should be enough to make the peanut powder the proper consistency, which will be flour-like. You can unstick the sides and bottom and pulse again for five seconds if you aren’t content with the consistency. However, don’t pulse anymore after that as that could render the powder too oily.
4. De-fatten the paste: The oil content of the paste needs to be pressed out and the remaining substance needs to be further ground to make it a flour-like consistency.
One way to press the oil out is to put the paste between two pieces of paper towel and use a rolling pin to press it out.
5: Store in a container refrigerate: Now that you have your peanut flour, you’ll need to store it appropriately. Place it in a container and keep it in the fridge to extend its shelf life. It’s that easy!
How To Make Peanut Powder
You can also make peanut powder from the comfort of your own kitchen. For this method, you’ll need a blender, as well as unsalted, roasted or unroasted peanuts.
Once you’ve got these things, follow the instructions below to create your own peanut powder.
1. Roast your peanuts: Follow the first step in the “How to Make Peanut Flour” section above.
2. Cool peanuts: Follow the second step in the “How to Make Peanut Flour” section above.
3. Blend cooled-off peanuts: Follow the third step in the “How to Make Peanut Flour” section above.
4. Add salt and sugar (optional): After two or three pulses, you’ll have peanut powder! However, if you want some extra flavour, you can add a pinch of salt and sugar, and keep adding for taste.
Put the substance into a bowl and add the salt and sugar. Then, stir it around. This is an optional step.
5. Place powder into a container and store or use: Remove from the bowl and place it into a container to be refrigerated.
Make sure it’s cooled off from the blending, then seal the container well and place it into the fridge. Your very own peanut powder will have a shelf life of around three months. And you can also use the powder right after you’ve made it.
After going through this guide, we hope you know exactly how to make peanut flour, as well as peanut powder! Why go to the store and buy it when you can just make it in your kitchen?
Want to learn more? Click here to find all our peanut related guides or here to learn the differences between peanut powder and peanut butter.
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