Thinking about using peanut flour or peanut powder and wondering if they are the same? Can you use them interchangeably?

First of all, peanut flour and peanut powder (also called powdered peanut butter or peanut butter powder) are not the same which means it’s not straightforward to use them interchangeably.

So what are they and what are the differences and similarities? Find out in this peanut flour vs peanut powder showdown!

Below, I first go through exactly what peanut flour is and what peanut powder is before my peanut flour vs peanut butter powder comparison.

Peanut Flour Vs Peanut Powder Differences & Similarities

What Is Peanut Flour?

Peanut flour is a flour alternative that is made solely from peanuts.

Roasted peanuts are taken and basically ground into a paste. This paste is then pressed to remove the oil. This end product is flour-like and can be used as a gluten-free, low-fat and high-protein alternative to wheat flour.

This product is sometimes referred to as “defatted” which means the oil has been removed.

Peanut flour gives a roasted flavor and is used as a thickener and to add flavor to bread and pastries. You can also add water to create a paste that tastes like peanut butter just without as much fat.

Peanut flour is basically a protein powder, but one without any additives which can make it a great, all-natural choice.

Click here to buy peanut flour.

What Is Peanut Powder?

peanut powder,
Peanut powder

Peanut powder is also called peanut butter powder or powdered peanut butter. All these terms refer to the same thing. Peanut powder is similar to peanut flour in that it can be made solely from peanuts.

However, peanut powder is made from the whole peanut.

Basically, roasted peanuts are ground into a flour-like powder – and that’s peanut powder!

Sometimes, salt, sugar and other additives are added to the peanut powder. You’ll have to check the ingredients in your particularly brand. Also, to make it more confusing, sometimes peanut butter powder refers to peanut flour (which has had the oil removed) with salt, sugar and other additives.

Its alternate name, peanut butter powder, refers to the fact that you can add water to this to make a peanut butter spread. It’s also used to add protein and fiber to smoothies and ice cream.

Click here to buy peanut powder.

Peanut Flour Vs Peanut Powder

The main differences when comparing peanut powder vs peanut flour come because of the extra fat content in peanut powder as well as any differences that may exist due to any additives in the peanut powder.

The following is a comparison between one cup of peanut flour and one cup of powdered peanut butter which has typical amounts of sugar and salt added.

Peanut FlourPowdered Peanut Butter
Total Fat0.3g12g

You can use peanut flour and peanut powder for many of the same purposes. While peanut powder has much more fat, it’s worth remembering that peanuts contain healthy fats so that’s not necessarily a problem. If you want to lose weight, however, the lower calories in peanut flour are appealing.

Peanut flour does tend to be cheaper, and it’s healthier than peanut powder which has added ingredients like sugar and salt.

Peanut flour is my personal choice of a winner due to these considerations. You can pick which is best for your circumstances.

You can find more information (and prices) for peanut flour here and peanut powder here.

You can also click here to learn how to make your own peanut flour and peanut powder.


I hope you have found this guide to peanut flour vs peanut powder useful and it answers all your questions. Both peanut flour and peanut powder can be useful, delicious products that are worth using in your kitchen.

Click here to find all our peanut related guides or here to read the differences between peanut butter and peanut powder.


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