If you have been searching for a substitute for cashew milk you have come to the right place. There are a number of cashew milk alternatives and in this guide, I’ll run you through all you need to know about cashew milk and what you can appropriately substitute it for.

Cashew milk is full of fatty acids, vitamins and minerals that are beneficial to your heart, bones, skin, hair and more. You can purchase cashew milk from the store or make it at home. Cashew milk is a great alternative to dairy milk as it offers a creamy, very mild sweet flavor and less calories.

There are many other plant based milks available that you can substitute for cashew milk. However finding the one most similar to cashew milk can be tricky. Cashew milk can be a great alternative to dairy milk in coffee, tea and cereals where you don’t want an overpowering flavor taking over the taste of your food/drink.

In this guide, we will talk all about cashew milk and what you can substitute it for.

Best Substitute For Cashew Milk

What Is Cashew Milk?

Cashew milk is a delicious creamy milk made of cashew nuts. There has been a slight debate around whether cashew milk should be classed as a milk, as it does not come from an animal and doesn’t hold similar enough nutritional qualities of real cows milk.

Cashew milk has only been introduced to the market in the past decade, with many people becoming aware of its nutritional benefits, particularly when made at home because it requires no straining.

Cashew milk
Cashew milk

Cashew milk tastes creamy and very mildly nutty, and slightly sweet. Store bought cashew milk is usually much less nutrient dense than cashew milk that is made fresh at home.

This is because store bought cashew milk is made of only around 3% cashews and usually additives such as stabilizers, thickeners and more.

Click here to buy cashew milk now.

How Is Cashew Milk Made?

Cashew milk is made by blending cashew nuts with water and adding flavors like salt, sugar, vanilla, etc. Store bought cashew milk is usually fortified with extra vitamins and minerals to try and match similar nutritional qualities of cows milk.

To make cashew milk at home you can soak cashews in water for 2 or more hours to soften them. Then blend a cup of your soaked cashews with a few cups of water, adding any flavors you enjoy and after a short blend your cashew milk should be ready. No need for straining like you do with other nut milks.

Homemade cashew milk is significantly more creamy and nutrient dense than store bought.

What Are The Benefits Of Cashew Milk?

Cashew milk purchased from the store verse cashew milk made at home will have varying nutrition levels. Cashew milk made from home is much more nutrient dense and is full of unsaturated fatty acids, protein, vitamins B, D and K, magnesium, copper, iron, and small amounts of calcium.

Branded cashew milk is often fortified with vitamins and minerals such as calcium. It is lower in calories than homemade cashew milk and offers the same unsaturated fatty acids and some protein.

Benefits of drinking cashew milk include increased heart health and lower cholesterol levels due to its unsaturated fatty acids, potassium and magnesium. Cashew milk is rich in vitamin K which may help with blood clotting. It is good for your skin and hair due to its copper and selenium levels and more.

Can I Substitute Cashew Milk For Cows’ Milk?

Yes, you can absolutely substitute cashew milk for cows milk in most recipes, particularly cashew milk made at home. Cashew milk offers a similar creamy milkiness that cows milk does. Cashew milk also has a very mild flavor that will not overpower a dish.

Using cashew milk in place of cows milk is a great idea if you are looking for a dairy free milk option that offers similar qualities to that of real milk. Cashew milk used in coffee and tea will provide milkiness without giving off a flavor to your drink.

Cashew milk is also a great dairy free alternative in hot and cold cereals as, again, it provides creamy milkiness without overpowering the flavor of your cereal like many other nut milks can do. Cashew milk can also be used in baking that calls for cows milk, in sauces, soups and more.

Cashew and other vegan milks

What Can I Substitute For Cashew Milk?

There are many dairy free milk alternatives available and it can be difficult to decide which is the best as a substitute for cashew milk. Almond, walnut, soy, coconut, rice, oat milk, there are many to chose from and the best substitute will depend on how you chose to use the milk.

For example, if you are looking for a milk that offers a subtle flavor and similar creaminess, oat milk may be a great alternative for you. Oat milk is also high in fibre, protein and higher in calories. It is a great substitute for cashew milk in coffee, tea, cereals and other drinks/dishes where you want milkiness without too much flavor.

If you are looking to substitute cashew milk in recipes calling for it, look for a plant based milk with similar fatty content such as almond milk, walnut milk or soy milk.


Cashew milk is a delicious, creamy, mild nutty and slightly sweet, non dairy, nut milk. It is a great alternative to cows milk as it offers a similar milkiness and subtle taste and when made from home, offers a great deal of nutritional density.

Finding substitutes for cashew milk ultimately depends on what tastes you enjoy and how you plan on using your milk. There are several non dairy milks available that offer creaminess and a mild flavor. Oat and almond milk are both great substitutes for cashew milk as they are both quite mild and creamy.

Soy, walnut, almond, peanut, pistachio, rice, oat milk, all can be used in place of cashew milk and there are so many to chose from. I’ll leave it up to you to decide.

Click here to buy cashew milk now.

Read more about cashew milk compared to almond milk here or how to freeze cashew milk here. You can also find all our guides to cashew-based products here.


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