About 10% of the worldwide population deals with warts on their feet every year. They’re not dangerous, but they can be painful and irritating, and they’re preventable.

Infections of the feet, dry feet, and painful feet are all very common problems. Fortunately, you can use jojoba oil for cracked feet or any of these other ailments.

Below, I cover the benefits of jojoba oil for your feet and exactly how to use it for the best results.

jojoba oil for feet

What Is Jojoba Oil?

jojoba oil

Jojoba oil comes from the jojoba plant, Simmondsia californica. The jojoba plant is a shrub that is native to northern Mexico, California, and Arizona. Locals have been using it for centuries because it performs wonders on the skin and hair.

Jojoba Oil — The Waxy Ester

The thing that makes jojoba oil so wonderful, though, is that it’s not an oil at all. Jojoba oil is a waxy ester, so the way it affects the body is different than that of true oils.

Because jojoba oil is a waxy ester, it is able to help the body in ways that true oils can’t.

Sebum, Jojoba Oil, & The Connection Between Moisturizing Skin

Our bodies create an oil called “sebum”. It acts as a natural moisturizer to keep our skin hydrated.

Jojoba oil is almost identical in composition to sebum. The body simply recognizes jojoba oil as sebum.

Because jojoba oil is like sebum, it is able to moisturize the skin much better than many true oils.

Refined Vs Unrefined Jojoba Oil

Now, not all jojoba oil works the same. There are two primary kinds of jojoba oil: unrefined and refined.

You will find refined jojoba oil most in commercially-made products. There are many products that include jojoba oil as an ingredient. Unfortunately, they usually choose to use refined jojoba oil because it lasts longer.

Although it lasts longer, refined jojoba oil is also not as good for your health. To refine it, manufacturers put the oil under high heat and chemicals. When this happens, the oil loses its color, its scent, and most of its nutrients.

Many consumers prefer refined jojoba oil because it is white and odorless. But, they don’t realize that most of the nutrients have been sucked out of it.

Unrefined jojoba oil is going to be better for your health. It retains all its nutrients and vitamins. Extraction occurs through natural processes that do not cause a loss of nutrients.

Unrefined jojoba oil does keep its golden coloration and earthy scent. Yet, most people do not find this to be a big deal when you consider the benefits.

Click here to buy jojoba oil now.

Benefits Of Jojoba Oil On Feet

oil on feet

Jojoba oil is very beneficial to your skin providing moisture, protection, and healing. You can use it on any kind of skin located anywhere on your body.

Because of this, many people have noticed the condition of their feet improving. It is becoming increasingly common to use jojoba oil for cracked heels.

You Can Use Jojoba Oil On Any Kind Of Skin

Many people are wary of what they put on their skin. You never know what might contain an allergen or irritation to your sensitive skin.

Because jojoba oil is very similar in composition to sebum, it is gentle.

Research has not shown that jojoba contains any known allergens. It is incredibly unlikely that jojoba oil will cause an allergic reaction. This is true even for those with the most severe allergies.

Likewise, if you have sensitive skin, jojoba oil is one of the best things for you.

Jojoba Oil Is Moisturizing

I mentioned earlier that jojoba oil is able to moisturize the skin so well because it is like sebum.

The body uses sebum as a natural moisturizer for the skin. It makes sense that jojoba oil would also moisturize. Jojoba oil is very light in composition. It easily penetrates the skin and forms a hydrating barrier.

Some true oils introduce moisture to the skin. Jojoba oil prevents present hydration from leaving the body.

It is best to apply jojoba oil after you’ve bathed. It will form a barrier over your skin that will lock in the moisture.

Jojoba Oil Forms A Protective Barrier

At the same time, that barrier acts to protect the skin. There are many things in our world that can harm our skin — pollution, chemicals, dirt, and germs.

The barrier that jojoba oil forms over the skin does not only lock in moisture. It also protects our skin from the harmful things around us.

Click here to buy jojoba oil now.

Jojoba Oil Has Antibacterial & Anti-Fungal Properties

Many people deal with an infection on their feet at some point in their lives.

Warts are very common on the bottoms of feet. They are caused by an infection from the human papillomavirus.

Athlete’s foot is another very common problem with feet. It’s a type of fungal infection that generally forms between the toes. It is usually spread through damp areas with lots of foot traffic. Think locker rooms and swimming pools.

Bacterial infections are common in feet with open cuts or blisters. These are easy entry areas for bacteria. Bacterial infections are also common because of ingrown toenails. The toenails grow into the skin, causing a cut to form where bacteria can enter.

Jojoba oil contains antifungal, antibacterial, and antimicrobial properties. These properties can help prevent and treat an infection.

Jojoba Oil Soothes Irritation & Inflammation

Irritation, itching, and inflammation are common symptoms in feet. You can develop these symptoms because of infection or disease. Or, you may simply use your feet a lot.

We regularly abuse our feet without meaning to — they take a lot of stress and pain. Not only that, but we rarely care for our feet in the same way we do the rest of our body.

If your feet suffer from any inflammation or irritation, jojoba oil can help them feel better.

Jojoba Oil Promotes Nail Health

We already know that jojoba oil holds onto moisture well. This is beneficial to our nails. Moisture locks into our cuticles which promotes the health of the nails themselves. The nails will become stronger and more elastic so that they’re less likely to break.

Learn more about jojoba oil benefits for the nails here.

Exactly How To Use Jojoba Oil For Feet

oil massage feet

It’s simple to use jojoba oil for your feet. You can use it by itself, with your favorite product, or by creating your own recipe.

Use Jojoba Oil As-Is

Jojoba oil works great on its own, so you can always buy a container of 100% pure unrefined jojoba oil. Rub 5-6 drops over each foot to get them hydrated.

I recommend doing this before bed after you’ve taken a shower. Make sure to wear socks after your shower while you’re sleeping. The socks will help protect the jojoba oil so that your skin stays hydrated for longer.

Add Jojoba Oil To Your Favorite Product

If you already have a moisturizer or foot cream that you like, you can add a few drops of jojoba oil to it. This way, you can combine the qualities of jojoba oil with your product.

You can also buy a pre-made product that uses jojoba oil as an ingredient. Just be sure that you buy a product that uses unrefined jojoba oil.

Another option is to make a recipe with jojoba oil. This is my favorite foot gel recipe because it combines jojoba with peppermint. Peppermint contains menthol which acts as an analgesic to soothe pain in your feet.

[mv_create key=”69″ type=”recipe” title=”Jojoba Oil & Peppermint Foot Gel Recipe” thumbnail=”null”]

You can apply this mixture to your feet at least once a day.


Jojoba oil works wonders for the skin. It has many properties that make it especially useful for the feet.

You can use jojoba oil for dry feet, infections, or to improve the health of your nails. Whatever you use it for, you’re sure to notice benefits.

Discover more wonderful ways to use jojoba oil for face, nailseyeslipshair, skin and as a moisturizer. You can also find more jojoba oil guides here.


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